
If Any Man



author's note:

I have faced many deep struggles in this life,
family deaths, addictions, etc.
I must confess, I don't know what it means to be in prison,
 but the day I chose to trust in Jesus, my life began to move in a better direction, the right direction, a victorious direction
Trust in Jesus and be patient
Great victories are forthcoming

He is real,  He is the true LIFE CHANGER!!!!!
He is the pathway to Heaven
He is the pathway to peace here on earth, regardless of circumstance

Pray the prayer below if you want to experience what millions have already experienced and millions and millions will experience in the future

The Sinner's Prayer
(by Dr. Ray Pritchard)

Lord Jesus, for too long I’ve kept you out of my life. I know that I am a sinner and that I cannot save myself. No longer will I close the door when I hear you knocking. By faith I gratefully receive your gift of salvation. I am ready to trust you as my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Lord Jesus, for coming to earth. I believe you are the Son of God who died on the cross for my sins and rose from the dead on the third day. Thank you for bearing my sins and giving me the gift of eternal life. I believe your words are true. Come into my heart, Lord Jesus, and be my Savior. Amen.

You are now on your way to the life God designed for you
  Get a Bible. Start in the Book of Matthew
Get with fellow prisoners who love Jesus.
If you have access to the internet
Find Billy Graham, Charles Stanley,  Rick Warren on Youtube
They are awesome teachers

I'm praying for your physical and mental freedom.
There's still time to rebuild your life the right way

The apostle Paul, the greatest Christian we have ever known
Was once an enemy of God

You are eligible for the same grace and mercy!!!

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