A broad collection of Easter poems.... Blessed are those who see the true meaning of Easter Updated 03-21-25 |
![]() ![]() There Is a Green Hill Far Away by Cecil Frances Alexander There is a green hill far away, Beyond the city wall, Where the dear Lord was crucified, Who died to save us all. We may not know, we can not tell, What pains he had to bear; We believe it was for us He hung and suffered there. He died that we might be forgiven; He died to make us good, That we might go to heaven, Saved by His precious blood. There was no other good enough To pay the price of sin, He only could unlock the gate, Of heaven and let us in. O dearly, dearly, He has loved, We must love Him too, Trust in His redeeming blood, And try His works to do ![]() ![]() All Creation Wept by Melissa Range And not just those disciples whom he loved, and not just his mother; for all creation was his mother, if he shared his cells with worms and ferns and whales, silt and spiderweb, with the very walls of his crypt. Of all creation, only he slept, the rest awake and rapt with grief when love’s captain leapt onto the cross, into an abyss the weather hadn’t dreamt. Hero mine the beloved, cried snowflakes, cried the moons of unknown planets, cried the thorns in his garland, the nails bashed through his bones, the spikes of dry grass ![]() ![]() Celebrate Our Savior By Joanna Fuchs On Easter morn, we celebrate our Savior; Whatever people seek in Him, they find. In history, there has never been another So holy, sacrificial, good and kind. His resurrection makes us all immortal; In heaven, we’ll be together with our King. Eternally we’ll share in all His blessings; Happy Easter! Jesus Christ is everything ![]() ![]() Easter Joy By Joanna Fuchs Jesus came to earth, To show us how to live, How to put others first, How to love and how to give. Then He set about His work, That God sent Him to do; He took our punishment on Himself; He made us clean and new. He could have saved Himself, Calling angels from above, But He chose to pay our price for sin; He paid it out of love. Our Lord died on Good Friday, But the cross did not destroy His resurrection on Easter morn That fills our hearts with joy. Now we know our earthly death, Like His, is just a rest. We'll be forever with Him In heaven, where life is best. So we live our lives for Jesus, Think of Him in all we do. Thank you Savior; Thank you Lord. Help us love like you ![]() ![]() Without Easter By Joanna Fuchs Without Easter, there would be no hope of heaven. Without the hope of heaven, there would be no repentance, no personal transformation, no attempt to follow biblical principles. Without Easter, the world would be in chaos and darkness. Jesus’ death and resurrection means we can be reborn, to live better, to do better, to shine light into the shadows. Hallelujah! Happy, Happy Easter ![]() The Crucifixion by Fran Peck I laughed and mocked as He walked that day, up a hill to redeem my soul. I joined the crowd to spit and jeer, and I watched His sorrow grow. I drove every nail deep in His hands with every sin in my heart. My rebellion shoved the thorns in His head, and my strife tore His robe apart. I used my hatred to give Him a bitter drink, and I glared down on Him with pride. I thought of past disappointments, and with my anger, I pierced His side. I denied His power and ignored His worth and stood waiting for His life to end. I watched the last drop of His blood fall, not knowing my grief would begin. I looked around to find His accusers, but no one was there but me. I looked at my hands; they were stained with blood, and then I began to see. Conviction slowly entered my heart, and I dropped all my weapons of choice: the pride, the anger, the hatred, the lust, and then I heard His voice. "Forgive her Father, I died for her. I paid the price for her soul, I bore her sickness and all of her pain, and now I have made her whole." He looked down on me with loving eyes. He saw my present, my future, my past. He knew I needed a Savior, and my soul had found Him at last. I looked around to find His accusers, but no one was there but me ![]() ![]() Easter by Estela Canama Let every heart be filled with joy, A joy of thankfulness to our Savior and King! He is victorious over sin and death. He conquered death to give us a new life. A life blossoms through His unending love. It is for a cause and without condition The love that brings healing and reconciliation, A pure love that creates in us real peace. Peace that springs from his sacred heart, A heart that bleeds for our affliction. It is full of mercy and compassion, A heart wounded for our sins and vainglory. Rejoice! Jesus is truly risen from the dead For us to live once again, To live without blemish of pride, And live a life unselfishly for others in need ![]() ![]() Freedom In The Cross by Olivia Lakis There's something that occurred on that evening at Calvary that created such a lavish stir in all of history. Upon that old rugged cross our Savior bared it all and offered himself a sacrifice to overspread humanity's fall. The sacred blood that was spilled wiped clean the sinner's slate. Christ paid the price for everyone and carried our weight. A willing heart endured the pain, and purpose paved His way. He opened the eyes of every man To whom He came to save. Though the tragedy of that day will be mourned by those around, our joy is found three days later when He arose from the very ground. And through that selfless act of love, we were given new life in Him, set loose from our bondages to experience true freedom within ![]() ![]() Easter Day by Christina Rossetti Am I a stone, and not a sheep, That I can stand, O Christ, beneath thy cross, To number drop by drop Thy Blood's slow loss, And yet not weep? Not so those women loved Who with exceeding grief lamented Thee; Not so fallen Peter weeping bitterly; Not so the thief was moved; Not so the Sun and Moon Which hid their faces in a starless sky, A horror of great darkness at broad noon-- I, only I. Yet give not o'er, But seek Thy sheep, true Shepherd of the flock; Greater than Moses, turn and look once more And smite a rock ![]() ![]() The Answer is the Empty Tomb by Kevin Smead My heart is full of worry And my mind with anxious care The answer is the empty tomb His body is not there My soul is filled with fear and shame My life is filled with dread The answer is the empty tomb Christ risen from the dead The world is full of sorrows All the cities full of woe The answer is the empty tomb The whole world needs to know The youth are filled with unbelief The schools are filled with doubt The answer is the empty tomb The Savior made it out No matter what you’re facing No matter how it feels The answer is the empty tomb A risen Lord that heals ![]() ![]() Christ is Risen by Kevin Smead Jesus paid the price for sin, He died for us and rose again. He made in death for death a cure" In Christ our victory is sure. No longer souls need be enslaved; All who believe in Him are saved. Christ has risen from the dead; He is the church’s vital head. We live because he lives in us; He is the source - in Him we trust. We have new hope, we have new joy; We have so much death can’t destroy. New life into this world infuse: Christ has risen" spread the news. Christ lives on" He is at large To bless the humble free of charge. Call souls out of their unbelief: “Come to the Savior for relief.” Christ is the first-fruits of the grave; The way for all the saints He paved. Like Him to glory we shall rise; And, risen, meet him in the skies. By every race and tribe adored, O’er death and hell Christ is the Lord ![]() ![]() Love's Endeavor by Rob Dilworth Each piercing blow the hammer made Reverberated terror. His only son had been betrayed. They'd made a fatal error. Each drop of blood, so precious, shed; Like tears of crushing sorrow, Was filling me with horrid dread. How could I face tomorrow? He strained to take each painful breath. I prayed his pain was ending. Please help him find relief in death, A certain course impending. I heard him cry, "My God! My God! Oh, why have you forsaken?" I felt a shameful guilt, so odd; My very soul was shaken. The sun had lost the will to shine. With strength almost diminished; He spoke these words with voice divine, A final, "It is finished." The author of creation died And all creation trembled. It seemed the earth in sorrow, sighed Against the crowd assembled. As death received his only Son The chains of death were broken, For everything their hate had done Was just what God had spoken. The grave held glory from above Until the time appointed, But evil couldn't stop the love Of God's one true anointed. There must have been a mighty fuss For death was left to cower. Lord Jesus Christ returned to us By resurrection's power. You see, this all was in his plan To change the world forever. The endless gulf from God to man Was spanned by love's endeavor ![]() ![]() Hallelujah! Christ Arose! by Margaret Cagle Furry bunnies and Easter eggs Are for children to have fun, But will they hear the story Of God's holy resurrected Son? Baskets and chocolate bunnies May also enter the Easter scenes, But let's make sure the children Know what Easter really means. Christ Jesus died for our sins, But that's not the end of the story. He arose from the dead and the grave Before He soon went back to Glory. The Easter season is a good time To let Jesus' light shine through. Tell others that He died for us, And that He was resurrected too. Yes, the Savior died for everyone. This is what I have already said, But praise God! And hallelujah! He also rose up from the dead! May God bless us all at Easter. It is a happy time of the year, When we celebrate the Resurrection Of our precious Savior so dear ![]() Lead Me To The Cross by Janet Martin Across the darkened plains of woe A Voice rings, "God, forgive What they do, how can they know?" Because He died, I live The hand that touched and healed the weak Is pierced with cruel nail Yet love pours from each word He speaks "Oh, Father, not my will" The arms that drew the children near Are spread in agony And from his eyes flow holy tears As Jesus dies for me Here is the perfect Son of God Beneath man's heartless blows As earth receives redemption's flood In colors of the rose And as the scarlet blood-drops fall The seed of hope is born Amazing grace for one and all From limbs so bruised and torn Lead me to the blood-stained cross Pour out my sin and pride All that I give is counted loss As I see him who died Lead me to the arms of love Where freely He forgives And seals my place in Heaven above Because He died, I live! BECAUSE HE DIED, I LIVE ![]() ![]() No Other Way by Tom Chapman What can describe those awful final hours Which Christ endured when His humanity Was burdened with the stark reality Of that great death which rightfully was ours? Where martyrs have God’s presence in their trial Sustaining them in such a time of need, Christ bore the wrath of God that He might plead For us whose sinful nature is so vile. His humanness would seek another way; His godliness submitted to God’s will, Then ancient prophecy He would fulfil And triumph over death on that great day. There was no other way to pay that debt; In Christ alone our greatest needs are met ![]() When I See a Cross by Anita Anderson On a hill far away Stood a cross we are told. It was there my dear Lord Paid a price for my soul. And when I see a cross I see suffering and shame I see mercy and grace As He took the blame. In a hillside nearby Was a tomb not His own. It was there where they laid His still body alone. And when I see a cross I see anguish and pain I see pardon and love But He died not in vain. With the stone rolled away An angelic voice said, "Take a look there inside, He is no longer dead." And when I see a cross I see one last breath I see victory and joy As my Lord conquered death ![]() ![]() Lord, How Marvelous You Are! by Sylvia Wilson How Great, and Marvelous Lord You are, God and Father, of all the Heavens and the Earth Lord I put all my trust, in Your Holy and Precious Hands Giving Praise, for Your Holy Conception and Your birth As you walked in the flesh, on the earth as a man You gave Love, so unselfishly and so divine All our transgressions, You did bare, On the cross because You cared! I will worship and I will praise You for all time ![]() Three crosses by David Norman Not one,not two,but three Nailed to a cross and nowhere to flee One in denial and two come to do their part One to save the world and one with a repentant heart Three crosses to erase our sinful history Three crosses designed to glorify the holy trinity One blood to cleanse all mankind One sacrifice to unify the spiritually blind One death reversed by our Father above One everlasting Savior in the name of agape love One hope for a world to Believe in holy dependence One hope to honor God with deep eternal reverence ![]() Easter by Edmund Spenser MOST glorious Lord of Lyfe! that, on this day, Didst make Thy triumph over death and sin; And, having harrowd hell, didst bring away Captivity thence captive, us to win: This joyous day, deare Lord, with joy begin; And grant that we, for whom thou diddest dye, Being with Thy deare blood clene washt from sin, May live for ever in felicity! And that Thy love we weighing worthily, May likewise love Thee for the same againe; And for Thy sake, that all lyke deare didst buy, With love may one another entertayne! So let us love, deare Love, lyke as we ought, --Love is the lesson which the Lord us taught ![]() Thank You Jesus by Sheiresa McRae Thank you Jesus, for loving me, You died on the cross, and set me free. They buried you, and went away, But you rose again on the third day. Very soon you will come again, And I will live with you in heaven. Thank you for dying on Calvary. Thank you Jesus, for loving me ![]() ![]() An Easter Prayer by Helen Steiner Rice God, give us eyes to see the beauty of the Spring, And to behold Your majesty in every living thing. And may we see in lacy leaves and every budding flower The Hand that rules the universe with gentleness and power. And may this Easter grandeur that Spring lavishly imparts Awaken faded flowers of faith Luing dormant in our hearts. And give us ears to hear, dear God the Springtime song of birds With messages more meaningful than man's often empty words. Telling harried human beings who are lost in dark despair 'Be like us and do not worry for God has you in his care. ![]() An Easter Flower Gift by John Greenleaf Whittier O dearest bloom the seasons know, Flowers of the Resurrection blow, Our hope and faith restore; And through the bitterness of death And loss and sorrow, breathe and breath Of life forevermore! The thought of Love Immortal blends With fond rememberances of friends; In you, O sacred flowers, By human love made doubly sweet, The heavenly and the earthly meet, The heart of Christ is ours ![]() What Greater Love Than This? by Susan Noyes Anderson In ancient times Christ walked upon the earth as Son of God, a man of flesh and bone. Some loved Him from the moment of His birth. Some came to love Him after He was grown. Too many loved Him not and wished Him ill, their recognition swept away by pride. With hardened hearts, inured to Father’s will, they cast His holy Messenger aside. A heretic they called Him and a fraud, impugning Him by cunning word and deed. But snares of man stand useless before God. Whatever gains were made, Christ chose to cede. For He had come to earth a debt to pay, and evil set in motion His great plan. On Calvary, He gave His life away to seal the immortality of man. His gift to all was Resurrection Day. The sinner and the saint would rise again! Christ burst the tomb; the stone was rolled away. Death lost its sting; the grave would yield all men. The price was paid and sweet redemption won. But Christ’s atonement offered even more: to dwell in Father’s presence through His Son, who marked the way and opened wide the door. What greater love than this eternal life? Our Savior bled and died to call us friend. His are the arms that carry us through strife. His is the grace that brings us home again ![]() ![]() What Will We Give? by Susan Noyes Anderson The Savior in Gethsemane consumed our sins on bended knee, took every sorrow, every loss and broke them on the rough-hewn cross. Christ sealed His gift in grief and pain, renewed each heart in sacred rain of Living Water, lifeblood spilled. The ransom, paid. The law, fulfilled. His temples pierced by thorny crown, he laid His tortured body down. The sacred flesh, abused and torn, roused heaven and earth to weep, to mourn. The tomb received Him as her own; disciples wavered, left alone, forgetting promises profound: The ties of death would be unbound. For Christ the Lord atoned for all; no grave could hold Him, nor forestall the blessings of eternity. He lived! He lives! to set men free. A Brother gave Himself in love. The risen Lord now waits above. What will we give? May our lives be reflections of His charity ![]() Christ in the Wilderness by Susan Noyes Anderson Larger than life am I, thy Lord, and yet I too must wander in the wilderness, must wield the crushing weight of man’s distress, must cleanse the fallen earth in blood and sweat. Until my vow to save and bless is met, such godly power in me I do repress as would escape the pain and wretchedness that summon me to pay my brother’s debt. There is no gentler sacrifice for me; of my own will, I drink the bitter cup. For I must conquer death to set men free, that all the world, through me, be lifted up. My life I lay down gladly to this end and hope that every soul might call me Friend ![]() Easter: The Spring of Hope Written by Susan Noyes Anderson Come, celebrate the joys of spring, bright days of reawakening, when spirits rise from winter long to soar on wings of sweet birdsong. The season is awash in light–– blue skies enhanced by clouds of white and colors flung across rich earth to flood the world with signs of birth. As daffodils wake from their nest, a feathered mother builds her nest. The ebb of life renews again from sunlit field to wooded glen. What better time to set our hearts on gifts and blessings God imparts–– the greatest of them Jesus Christ, who saved us with His sacrifice. May every thought be turned to Him in whom our hope need never dim, and may His swift, surpassing peace grant every wayward soul release ![]() Sing Sweet the Song by Susan Noyes Anderson Humble yourself as a little child and crawl into the nest. With barren head and unshod feet draw peace into your breast. Come reverently, and shed your burden like a pair of shoes. Leave sin and sorrow to the One who nurtures and renews. Bow deeply, then arise on wings of grace and glory born. Remember Him. Sing sweet the song of Resurrection Morn ![]() Easter Resurrection by Judy Crowe The narrow road twisted and turned As He shouldered the heavy load. Out of the mob, compassion came And the burden was lifted, I'm told. The stones jabbed and tore at his feet As He tread the rocky, hot dusty road. And the people jeered and prodded Him As a life for some silver had been sold. There were three crude wooden crosses That lay upon the bleak, darkened hill. Three men were led through the throng, The air around them became eerie and still. Because He was chosen to be the sacrifice And was to die on a crudely carved tree, His Father above had to sadly turn His back And allow His precious Son to die cruelly. There was a tomb awaiting the Son of God. A huge stone was placed to seal His body inside. No way could any enter there to take Him away. Yet, when the women saw the empty tomb, they cried. They saw the angel standing there as he spoke, "Do not worry over the empty borrowed tomb, For God had made a promise which now is kept. The Lord Himself, is risen, thus the empty tomb ![]() Was His Body Stolen by Judy Crowe Two women came to anoint Him there, When their eyes beheld the empty tomb, They cried, "They have stolen Him!" They saw the covering in the empty room. Their voices wailed, their comfort wrought, They did not see the angel sitting there. Their faith had waned, the promise forgotten, His resurrection came; thus the grave was bare. "But wait," they heard the voice and then They turned to see the angel standing near. They were afraid and cried out the awful dread. "Did you see them take my Lord from here?" "But wait," the angel said once more. "Listen." The women cried, "You don't understand." "Oh, but I do, it's you who do not comprehend." "The Lord is risen, the Son of God and Son of Man." Then comfort came; their faith was regained. Their tears turned to joy as they were told. They ran to tell the wonderful news abroad, The Lord had risen, He, the grave could not hold. |
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