God Bless the soul of Martin More than just any ordinary man Perhaps braver and bolder Much more in touch with his convictions And willing vocalize those same convictions Unafraid to go against the waves of society And stand up in front of multitudes of men of all color Against any evil power presented. A true king An angel sent by God himself unto Earth A messenger sent to deliver the word of God And spread his love A warrior sent To fight for the rights of not only black-skinned-men But rather Men of all racial backgrounds Men of all ethnic backgrounds All men Incarcerated and later assassinated For the premise of his beliefs Filled with love and conviction for the human race A belief that we are all God's own children That we are all equal under God's eyes We are all just brothers and sisters Under one same God One same nation And thus should be treated accordingly And not be segregated by the thick walls of society Praise Dr. King for his legacy left behind! That many centuries from now He will be remembered for his deeds to society His name will be engraved in gold inside a book of stone Along with the rest of the elite men Who have transformed this great nation Into a better one. Long live his words that enlightened us all "Free at last! Free at last!" That moved us into a new America That changed the way we think A man with the vision and guts To go to places where his speeches were frowned upon And experience frowns And dirty looks himself for the sake of this Yet he continued And succeeded thereafter To help to wipe the dust off the eyes of many racists Present a new view of life What a great man! Indeed "Free at last! I am not ignorant And realize discrimination still lingers among us In many corners of this nation It is still is alive But Dr. King planted the seed To a new movement In hopes that it would eventually harvest And give fruit to a new way of life In hopes of starting perhaps A chain reaction throughout the rest country. A rippling effect inside deep and dark waters Caused by one single pebble. He created a long clear pathway For many Americans to follow Let us follow this pathway That leads us to racial equality For the better of this nation In his grave A brave body peacefully rests But his soul in heaven remains Singing freely What a great man! One of very few Long live the king! And in peace may his body rest for all of eternity by Christian Betancourt |
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Long Live
the King - Christian